File: %p You cannot save any changes to this file. The volume or drive it is on is locked. Previous field is missing or cannot be aligned Can’t find the ‘FLTR’ resource associated with this template. This ‘KEYB’/‘HEXD’/’KEYE’ item is illegal. You need a (‘SKIP’ … ‘SKPE’) pair enclosing the key and and its items, or the editor can’t tell unknown item sizes. Only 1 level of skip nesting allowed per list or key item. Unmatched skip begin or skip end field. Too many or too few KEYB/KEYE pairs for this key’s number of CASE fields. The key data field must have at least one CASE statement defining a key value. The KEYB field must follow the last CASE of the previous key field, or a previous KEYE field. ‘%T’ %d doesn’t share the same ID as ‘%T’ %d. Renumbering will force its ID to be the same as the ‘%T’s. File: %p Can’t get scrap type ‘%T’. Error: An indefinitely repeated list (LSTB...LSTE) cannot be followed by more data field types. Can’t mix byte, word, or long field types within the same byte, word, or long. Byte, word, or long bit fields must have length greater than 0 and no more than 8, 16, or 32 bits, respectively. The bit field extends past the end of the byte, word, or long that contains it. Sorry, this copy of Resorcerer is configured to only open up to %d files at once. The TMPL resource has no defined fields The SELF field can only occur as the sole entry between an LSTC and LSTE. There is not enough memory to load the file with the resource data you want to cut or copy. Please Clear some of the resources in the before continuing. Resource ‘%T’ %d already exists in this file. Do you want to skip over existing IDs? Can’t create the “%p” file in the “%p” folder. Error: Can’t find or open the “%p” folder in the same folder as Resorcerer, or in the System folder. Unless Resorcerer has ‘TMPL’ resources in its own resources, you won‘t be able to edit custom resources. Error: Expecting an ‘=’ after the CASE symbolic name. The symbolic name of the CASE value is missing. This is not a recognized field description type. This set of bit declarations has ended prematurely. Expecting %d more bit%s to completely specify the most recent group of %d bits. The ‘%T’ field to which this ‘CASE’ refers cannot have symbolic case names. File: %p Can’t copy resource data from %T %d. Error: File: %p Can’t load resource ‘%T’ %d. Error: Sorry, can’t open resource. Not even a Hex Editor is installed. Can’t find previous ‘OCNT’, ‘ZCNT’, ‘BCNT’, or ‘LCNT’ count field for this ‘LSTC’ at same nesting level. A field was found after the Hex Dump field. The HEXD field must be the last field of the template. A list item description has ended too early. The structure of a list item must be non-empty. Finished scanning template without finding end of list or key item (‘LSTE’ or ‘KEYE’). Unmatched list or key end (‘LSTE’ or ‘KEYE’). Too many nested lists. The template data appears to be corrupted. Error found at field %d (‘%T’) in the ‘%T’ template. Sorry, can’t determine which resources to paste. Please select the resources or resource types that you wish to paste from the ’s active list. The destination file for this paste is ambiguous. Please bring the file you want to paste into to the front and try again. File: %p ‘%T’ %d already exists in this file. Please choose an unused ID for this resource type. Can’t change the type of ‘%T’ %d. It is opened for editing. You must close any open resources before you can change their types. File: %p Can’t re-open last file. Error: File: %p Can’t open file Error: File: %p You cannot save any changes to this file. The file is locked. File: %p Can’t open or create resource fork. Error: File: %p Can’t write ‘%T’ %d. Error: File: %p Can’t remove ‘%T’ %d. Error: File: %p Can’t set attribute bits for ‘%T’ %d. Error: File: %p Can’t get resource ‘%T’ %d. Error: File: %p Can’t add resource ‘%T’ %d. Error: Sorry, internal bug. %p Sorry, but this beta version of Resorcerer has expired. Sorry, not enough memory.